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Ministers’ annual gathering at Oxford

  • Harris Manchester College Mansfield Road Oxford, England, OX1 3TD United Kingdom (map)

Ministers on the GA Roll and Ministry Students from the Midland Unitarian Association, the London and South East District and East Midland Union are holding their annual gathering at Harris Manchester College in Oxford on Wednesday 13th November from 10.30am. It’s a time for collegial sharing and fellowship with a chance to hear an invited speaker. All ministers and ministerial students in these districts are warmly invited to attend.  
This year the speaker will be College Librarian Kate Alderson-Smith, who will be displaying treasures from the College's archives and special collections, including Joseph Priestley's artefacts and a copy of the Racovian Catechism, that 16th century faith statement from the Polish Brethren, which is a foundational text for Unitarianism. Kate will also give a brief history of the college’s Dissenting and Unitarian collections. 
The morning ends with a lunch provided by the College. Attenders will be asked to pay £22 as a contribution towards the costs of tea and lunch.

Please let Rev’d CJ McGregor know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend, and any dietary requirements you have. Email

Earlier Event: 9 November
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